We are called to live abundantly. To do this, we must make good choices based on good information. Better decisions equate to a better life. Consider the following three steps when making decisions. (Genesis 13:5-9)
Identifying the Need to Make the Decision
What’s the problem? – Identify the root of the issue.
Gather information. – People often offer information through the filter of their feelings, and you can’t make sober decisions with emotional information. As you gather information, consider the source. Make sure the information that you move on is unfiltered
Considering All the Options
What is the desired outcome? – Identify your goals on the other side of the decision. You should always care about the results of your decisions.
What is the best decision for all parties? – Is this the best decision for me, for someone else or the group? Consider the impact to yourself AND others before making a decision.
What’s the path to get to the desired outcome? – Consider alternate routes and options to reach your desired outcome. Contemplate the responses of others and create a proactive plan to address those responses.
Making the Decision
Make the best decision with the information you have. – Not making a decision is still a decision. Procrastination does not make difficult choices easier. You must address the issues in your life that require your decision.